Transportation Directives for Arrivals & Departures
To insure the safety of the children, we ask that at dismissal all children transported by car be picked up in Lot #3 (church parking lot).
Pre-K 1&2 and Kindergarteners to be picked up by car will be dismissed from their wing on Holland Rd (Door 2)
Lot #1 The lot that is closest to the front of the school (Main Entrance)
AM – Drive thru lot for cars and buses (no parking)
Bus Drivers are on a tight schedule. Parents must pull up to the end of driveway, DROP OFF students and move on IMMEDIATELY.
Lot #2 Lot above the church
AM- Drop off for parents with students 1st grade and above (PreK and KG should use Lot #1)
Lot #3 Church Parking Lot
PM- For parents park their cars and wait for their children.
- Cars enter Lot 3 from Mitti Street.
No car will be allowed to back up.
Children will be dismissed and walk to the cars.
When all children are safely in their cars, a signal will be given for parents to begin exiting the lot.
Teachers will dismiss cars in order.
For the safety of all the students and faculty, please try to park in the lot and do not park on the street.
To ensure a smooth start to the school day, all students arriving late in the morning must be accompanied by their parents. Parents are required to walk their child into the school premises and sign them in before the student can proceed to class.